Friday, March 7, 2014

Detoxify with Pro-Bio5

Why put enzymes in ProBio5? 
Yeast and fungal organisms are comprised of proteins, chitin, and cellulose structures. Proteins are broken down by protease enzymes, and cellulose is broken down by cellulase. The chitin structure can only be processed in the presence of the chitinase (chitosinase) enzyme. The enzyme profile in ProBio5, which is micro encapsulated, is designed to process away the protein-based outer layer of yeast and fungal organisms. This then exposes the interior of these organisms to the cellulose of the chitosinase in the ProBio5. Enzymes are efficient and effective in the destruction of yeast and fungi. Fortunately Plexus has developed products to help the body detoxify and cleanse the 
gastro-intestinal tract and arteries.

Do you suffer from sugar cravings, fatigue, bloating, anxiety or “brain fog?" Thankfully, ProBio5 provides a solution to many of today’s “mystery” symptoms. ProBio5 features five extra strength probiotics, added enzymes, intestinal flora, B6 and Grape Seed extract – all in one effective delivery system – that supports the breaking down of hostile organisms that negatively impact your health. It has been said that over 80% of your immune function originates in your gut, so support your immune system by taking a potent probiotic blend. 
ProBio5 can provide the following benefits:

  • Yeast organism (Candida) and fungal cleanse
  • Proper probiotic balance in the intestinal tract
  • Proper intestinal balance which increases nutrient absorption
  • Relief from typical Candida symptoms (anxiety, recurring irritability, lethargy, allergies, acne, dry/flaky skin, migraines, and so forth)

LET'S TALK ABOUT CANDIDA…Have you ever heard of Candida? 
Thousands of Americans suffer from Candida Overgrowth but have NO CLUE what it is and have never heard about it. What exactly is Candida? Candida is a fungus, like a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Its primary job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption but, when overproduced, candida breaks down the wall of your intestines and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into the body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression. Candida overgrowth has even been linked to horribly painful medical issues like sinusitis and even spastic colon.
What causes Candida Overgrowth?
Nearly everything we do in society today! Taking medications, Antibiotics, Processed foods, Canned foods, Fast foods, Junk Foods, or anything that contains preservatives! Our bodies rely on bacteria and yeast to breaks down the food that we eat. However, the chemicals and toxins used to preserve our foods cause this overgrowth of Candida and it becomes toxic to our health. 
Candida symptoms can include: thrush, vaginal yeast infections, insomnia, difficult weight loss, can cause that "brain fog" feeling, makes you tired or sluggish for no reason, feeds off sugars and yeast so it can actually make you crave junk foods, sweets, soda, sugary drinks, etc... 
HOW can you get rid of Candida? 

You need a probiotic that WORKS! YES! Plexus has exactly that and provides us with our Probio5 that works to rid your body of this fungus monster! In fact, you'd need FIVE over the counter probiotics to get the equivalent benefit from Plexus Probio5!
Many health professionals and nutritionist recommend that everyone use a probiotic daily even if you don't have an overgrowth of candida simply to help your body function at it's best. 
If you decide to test yourself for Candida I'd love for your to share what your results are! It doesn't go away on it's own and by using a probiotic like ProBio5 you can be on the road to feeling better! ProBio5 can help remove that excessive yeast from your body so you feel energized, healthier and it will allows your body to easily remove that excessive weight as well. 


There is an easy way to test for excessive Candida in your system.  It’s called the Spit Test.  All you need is a clear glass or water.  First thing in the morning you want to spit into the water and check on it every 15 minutes or so, for up to an hour, trust me, if you have Candida, you will probably see results much sooner.  If you look in the glass and your spit looks like any of the examples in the picture you have too much Candida, if it floats on the top, stays clear and seemingly even disappears then you don’t have Candida and you’re good to go!
Now if the results are positive, I highly recommend purchasing ProBio5 and taking at least 2 pills at night before bed.  You can take up to 4 a night for severe cases and then lower to 1-2 pills a night for maintenance. 

*Side Note* If you suffer from Vaginal Yeast Infections I highly recommend taking a probiotic like our ProBio5. I take 2 -ProBio5 capsules every night and have gone from 1 yeast infection every other month to ZERO yeast infections for several months! If you understand the pain and discomfort yeast infections can cause then you'll be able to sympathize. ProBio5 works wonders!  

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